No Regrets Conference
Breakout Sessions
Please choose one breakout speaker from each of the 3 break out sessions we will have on Saturday 2/4 at No Regrets
Session 1 Preference 9:30-10:00
Pursuing a Godly Marriage
Steve Carter - Speaker, Pastor, Guest Preacher, Author, Podcast Host-The Home Team Podcast
What does a Godly marriage look like? What do we do if our marriage doesn’t look that way? Why is it that marriage can be so challenging? How do we pursue a Biblical vision for our marriage in every season of a man’s life? Join Steve as he explores this challenging topic and brings practical application for men to pursue Godly marriages.
Temptations Men Face
Albert Tate
Money, sex, power, and addictions. It’s easy to get derailed as you follow Christ. How do you avoid the temptations men face? Albert will discuss how, in Christ, we overcome the temptations that cause men to stumble.
Win the Day
Mark Batterson - Lead Pastor-National Community Church
Show me your habits and I’ll show you your future. Destiny is not a mystery. Destiny is daily habits. The good news? You are one habit away from a totally different life!
Living Free From Your Stuff
Corey Demmel-Lead Pastor-Cape Christian Church
There are so many voices telling us where our value lies: our talents, our bank account, our career, our accomplishments, even our toys. However, there is more to YOU than all that stuff. There is fulfillment and security beyond that stuff, because YOU ARE NOT YOUR STUFF!
Session 2 Preference 10:15-10:45
Pursuing Work and Life
Rod Hairston - Marriage Coach, Author Speaker, Pastor-RH Marriage
Coaching for Leaders
Your work life and the rest of your life, especially your relationship life, don't have to be incompatible. They don't have to be in competition with one another. In this session with Rod Hairston, you'll learn how to master your livelihood while you master the rest of your life, especially your most important relationships.
Becoming a Godly Dad
Chris Brown
As men we tend to lean into things that we are good at, or into things that we enjoy. Unfortunately for many of us guys, parenting is not on either of those lists. Today’s session is meant to bring some much needed encouragement to those of us who just need to hear that we are made for this, and that parenting may be easier for us than what we have made it out to be.
Soul Mates
Steve and Colleen Sonderman - President and Founder of No Regrets Men's
Ministry-No Regrets Men's Ministry
Between working 50-60 hours a week, attending all your kids activities, coaching a youth team, getting things done around the house and serving at church, how in the world are you to be a "Soul Mate" with your spouse and not just a roommate? In this seminar Colleen and Steve Sonderman will draw upon nearly 40 years of marriage to share some principles on how your marriage can grow and deepen through the years.
Small Groups 101: Lessons From 30 Years of Men’s Groups
Vince Miller - Speaker / Author-Founder of Resolute, A Men
Brotherhood is one of man's basic needs. Yet today, most men do life without friends. But God is not looking for his men to have friendships. He calls us into a brotherhood. In this session, we will discover why brotherhood is essential in our faith and how to build it into our lives and into the culture of our church.
Session 3 Preference 11:00-11:30
Play the Man
Mark Batterson - Lead Pastor-National Community Church
The will of God is not an insurance plan, it’s a dangerous plan. Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. It’s time to take up your cross and go all in with God. God is calling a generation of men to step up—as husbands, as fathers, as friends—and play the man.
Growing as a Jesus Follower
Rod Hairston - Marriage Coach, Author Speaker, Pastor-RH Marriage Coaching for Leaders
Anything we want to grow in our lives, whether it's a business, a relationship, a garden, or our finances depends on the principles of sowing and reaping. In this session with Rod Hairston, you'll learn how to grow as a follower of Jesus by observing the same principles. The secret to growing in Christ is all about being receptive to the seed of His word, no matter what kind of hand life is dealing us. Even if you've gotten off track, growth is still possible!
Why Christ?
Steve Carter
Jesus Christ is the most historically significant, most culturally impactful, and most personally debated figure of all time. Who is this figure? The way we understand the person and work of Christ strongly influences why we place our trust in Christ. So why should any man devote their life to Him? Join Steve as he unpacks this incredibly important topic and challenges men to answer the question for themselves.
Work Unto the Lord
Troy Thomas - Executive Pastor-Crossway Church
Unfulfilled, frustrated, and disconnected from our spiritual life? Discover a new application of the ancient advice for every working man: "whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord."
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