2024 Gwinnett County Public Schools
Supplemental Resource Review Form -GetReady! Soar
Multilingual Learner Program Gr 3-5
Select the resource you are reviewing:
GetReady! Soar
Community Member or Parent
Parent / Guardian of Student(s) currently enrolled in one or more GCPS school
Gwinnett County Citizen/ Community Member without children in one or ore GCPS school
GEMS Committee Member
Other (please specify)
If Parent/ Guardian, please indicate school and/or cluster (Enter N/A if question does not apply)
Resource Review:
Per Gwinnett County Procedure IFAA, criteria for evaluation of core instructional resources shall be consistent with the general criteria for resource selection noted below. In addition, the specific subject area criteria shall be developed based upon the system mission, vision, and strategic goals for school improvement; student achievement data; goals, objectives, and continuous improvement plans of the program area; review of pertinent research literature; and criteria required by the Georgia Department of Education. Any item under review will be judged on its merits as an entire piece, not by portions or out-of-context selection. The following general criteria (listed in italics below) shall be used in selecting and evaluating core instructional resources. As you review all components of the new format/ edition resource that have been provided (e.g., student text, teacher materials, ancillary items, trade books, other provided materials), please provide feedback for the following categories. The general criteria from P.IFAA is included as a reference for the category.
Category I: The resource adequately and appropriately addresses the district’s vision for learning and curriculum for the course. (Criteria 1,2)
General Criteria:
1. Resources shall support and be consistent with the system's mission, vision, and goals.
2. Resources shall directly support instruction of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum for a variety of learners.
Please provide any feedback on the resource in regards to Category I.
Category II: The resource is appropriate and effective for students at the grade/ age level of the course and is appropriate in its sensitivity to and representation of race, gender, religious background, culture, ethnicity, disability, and socioeconomic status.
(Criteria 3,5,8)
General Criteria:
3. Resources shall promote the integration of higher level thinking skills as appropriate for intended students.
5. Resources shall be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, emotional development, and social development of the students for whom the materials are selected.
8. Resources shall avoid bias and adhere to standards of sensitivity relative to student race, sex, religion, culture, ethnicity, disability and socioeconomic status.
Please provide any feedback on the resource in regards to Category II.
Category III: The resource meets expectations for quality of content, format, authorship, intrinsic value, and extrinsic value.
(Criteria 4,6,7,9)
General Criteria:
4. Resources shall meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation.
6. Resources shall have aesthetic, literary, or social value.
7. Resources shall be written/produced by competent and qualified authors and publishers.
9. Physical format, medium, and appearance of resources shall be suitable for their intended use.
Please provide any feedback on the resource in regards to Category III.
Do you recommend the resource for pilot and/or use with students?
Recommend with Reservations
Do Not Recommend
Other (please specify)
Reviewer's Name