Elevate Advanced Manufacturing, a program of the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI) Foundation, recognizes up to 4 outstanding leaders in manufacturing each years at its “Legends in Manufacturing” awards, as part of the Iowa Manufacturing Conference.

Nominees for the first three categories should be individuals who are/were key company leaders, past or present. Nominees for the Manufacturing Champion award should be individuals or organizations not directly engaged in manufacturing activities, but whose activities support the industry. Nominators can nominate as many people as they wish!
Nominator Contact Information

Question Title

* Nominator's Name

Question Title

* Nominator's Phone

Nominee's Contact Information

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Business Name or Affiliation

Question Title

* Address

Question Title

* Phone

Question Title

* Awardee Category

Question Title

* Describe why you are nominating this individual/company for a 2024 Legends award.

For more information or to email additional materials, please email Nicole Crain (ncrain@iowaabi.org).