City of Chicago Aldermanic Reopening Survey Question Title * 1. What is your name? Question Title * 2. Which ward do you represent? Question Title * 3. What particular challenges do residents of your ward face associated with the stay at home order? Check all that apply. Housing insecurity Food insecurity Unemployment/underemployment Healthcare access Mental health services Childcare access Domestic violence/unsafe home Access to personal protective equipment to do essential activities Information technology access Access to information about COVID-19 response resources Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What are the primary types of businesses/non-profits/other entities that operate in your ward? Check all that apply. Faith-based organizations Food/beverage Construction Retail Arts & entertainment Professional or management services (e.g., law firm, real estate agency) Education Public amenities (e.g., parks, libraries) Personal grooming services (e.g., barbershops, salons) Healthcare and social services Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Across these entities operating in your ward, what characteristics do you see most in your ward that we should be mindful of when determining reopening timing and designing reopening guidelines? Check all that apply. 1:1 engagement (eg., lawyers' offices) Walk up counters (eg., restaurants) Large, open areas (eg., large retail or restaurant spaces) Small, confined areas (e.g., community centers, barber shops, coffee shops, churches) Areas prone to congregation (e.g., community centers, barber shops, coffee shops, churches) Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What creative ideas do you have to reopening these types of entities as quickly, and as safely, as possible? 1:1 engagement (e.g., lawyers’ offices) Walk-up counters (e.g., restaurants) Large, open areas (e.g., large retail or restaurant space) Small, confined areas (e.g., small retail or restaurant space) Areas prone to congregating (e.g., community centers, barber shops, coffee shops, churches) Other Question Title * 7. Any other reopening ideas that you would like to share? Done