Consent Form 
Natasha Ladouceur       
Principal Investigator 
Department of Psychology 
Vancouver Island University

Dr. Melanie O'Neill 
Faculty Supervisor
Department of Psychology
Vancouver Island University 

This research aims to investigate the factors associated with your perceptions of police legitimacy in Canada. Legitimacy refers to the degree where individuals perceive law enforcement to be legitimate authority through lawfulness, distributive justice, procedural justice, and police effectiveness. This survey covers demographic information, queries regarding your experiences and opinions toward the Canadian police, and scales related to your psychological well-being. Please note that the psychological measures used in this study will not be used as diagnostic tools by the researchers.

As a research participant, you are asked to dedicate 15-25 minutes of your time. As this research is completely voluntary, there is no direct benefit to you. There are no known harms associated with your participation in this research. However, due to the sensitive nature of the question content, it is possible that some questions may make you feel uncomfortable. Should you need support at any time, a list of resources is provided at the beginning, middle, and end of the survey. If any question causes discomfort, you may skip it or withdraw at any time by closing out of the survey. You may change your answer to any survey questions at any point prior to pressing submit at the end. The survey responses are anonymous; please do not include your name or contextual information that might directly or indirectly identify you.

Your responses will be stored in SurveyMonkey’s database in the United States. Due to data being stored outside of Canada, the information will not be protected by Canadian privacy legislation. Further details can be found at: 

All records will be kept strictly confidential on a password-protected computer, and only the research team will have access to the raw data. This project is estimated to be completed by December 2024, and the raw data will be deleted 5-years after completion. The final results of this research will be compiled into a final report, presented at academic conferences, and submitted for publication into an academic journal. The products of this research will include only aggregate data, rather than individual information.

We thank you for your time and participation in this study. If you have any questions or would like to receive the final research report, please email the Principal Investigator:

If you have any concerns about your treatment as a research participant in this study, please the VIU Research Ethics Officer by email ( or by telephone: 250-740-6631. To save this consent form, please take a screenshot, download the webpage, or email the Principal Investigator at any time.
Should you need support at any time, please see the resources below:

Emergency Crime Reporting
Call: 911

Non-Emergency Crime Reporting (RCMP)
Find your local detachment:

The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime

Wellness Together Canada
Call: 1-866-585-0445
WELLNESS to 741741

Question Title

* By selecting YES, I confirm:
  • I have read the above form, understand the information read, and understand that I can withdraw at any time before submitting
  • I am over the age of nineteen and presently live in Canada
  • I consent to participate in this research study

7% of survey complete.