Please complete this survey by Monday 22 April 2024

If you have a longer response you are most welcome to email this to

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* 1. What do you like about the proposed Hāto Petera draft concept?

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* 2. What concerns you about the proposed Hāto Petera draft concept?

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* 3. What have we missed from the proposed Hāto Petera draft concept?

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* 4. Do you support building new Wharenui and Whare Karakia (incorporating existing carvings, tukutuku panels and religious items).

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* 5. What feedback do you have on the proposed governance structure?

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* 6. Overall how supportive are you of the proposed Hāto Petera concept?

Not supportive at all It's a good starting point but needs more work Very supportive
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. What topics/questions would you like to have included at future hui-a-whānau?

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* 8. Do you have any other comments?

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* 9. If you wish, please share your name and contact details 

Thank you for completing this survey. We will publish a summary of results on the Hāto Petera website at We hope to see you at our next hui-a-whānau.