Recruitment Questionnaire

We are looking for people to participate in research groups about local parks. The groups will last about an hour and a half on November 8th (time to be determined).

It will be a video interview, so you’ll need a computer with a camera and microphone and the ability to do a Zoom call. There will be around 6-8 other participants. The payment for taking part will be $125.

If you're interested, please complete the following 5-minute questionnaire, which we'll use to select the respondents.

Thank you
1.Do you live in Marin County, San Francisco County, or San Mateo County?
2.Have you visited any of these parks in the last year?

Baker Beach

Bolinas Lagoon

Bolinas Ridge

China Beach

Cliff House

Crissy Field

Dias Ridge

Fort Baker

Fort Funston

Fort Mason

Fort Point

Gerbode Valley

Golden Gate Bridge

Hawk Hill

Kirby Cove

Lands End

Marin Headlands

Marshall’s Beach

Martinelli Ranch

Milagra Ridge

Mori Point

Mount Tamalpais

Muir Beach

Muir Woods National Monument

Oakwood Valley

Ocean Beach

Olema Valley

Phleger Estate

Point Bonita

The Presidio

Presidio Tunnel Tops

Rancho Corral De Tierra

Rocky Point

Rodeo Beach

Stinson Beach

Sutro Historic Beach

Sweeney Ridge

Tennessee Valley

Tomales Bay
3.Which, if any, of the following organizations have you heard of?
4.How do you feel about discussion and debate with new people?
5.Would you be willing to participate in a 90-minute research group over Zoom with 6-8 other people, for which you'll be paid $125?
6.What is your name?
7.What is your email address? We'll use this to send you further details if you're chosen to be included.
8.Please answer the following demographic questions. These help us ensure a good mix of people in the research groups. They will not be used for any other purpose. You can pass on any of the questions you feel uncomfortable answering.

Which county do you live in?
9.What age bracket do you fall into?
10.How would you describe your ethnicity?
11.What is your gender?
12.What is your combined annual income last year?
13.Do you or your partner work in any of the following areas?