Chat with an Expert is a program sponsored by the Graduate Student Leadership Committee that matches expert toxicologists and postdocs with trainees (postdoc or graduate student) to meet informally as part of the SOT 2022 Annual Meeting, either one-on-one or in a very small (max 3 trainees) group setting. The GSLC invites your participation to help inspire the next generation of toxicologists.

By proceeding with the survey below, you are indicating that you:

   • Are a professional toxicologist or toxicology postdoc

   • Will be attending SOT 2022 Annual Meeting at least one day from March 27-31, 2022 in San Diego, CA

   • Would like to be matched with at least one SOT trainee member (postdoc or graduate student) for an informal chat session during the SOT Annual Meeting

   • Agree to communicate with your match through email to schedule your chat session after the initial match has been made

   • Provide the GSLC with feedback after the meeting to help improve the CWAE program.

This registration is for experts only. Student and postdoc trainee registration will open in late January/early February.