YMCA reopening member survey

1.Please select your home branch location
2.While upholding the social distancing requirement for wellness activities of maintaining ten feet between participants, what are you most eager or excited to do upon returning to the Y?  Please check all that apply.
3.If we are able to conduct outside activities,  which activities would you be interested in participating in? Please check all that apply.
4.How many days per week do you plan to go to the Y?
5.Which days of the week do you plan to visit the Y?
6.What time are you planning on going to the Y?
7.Would you be in support of the Y offering times designated specifically for seniors to use the Y?
8.Do you plan to go to the Y...
9.Your safety and well-being are our top priorities. What measures or practices can we put into place to make you feel most comfortable at the Y when we reopen?
10.Please share suggestions that you would like to provide for the YMCA’s reopening.
11.Where do you find your personal comfort level for when we reopen?
12.Since our closure, how often do you participate in the virtual wellness classes offered online (this includes Facebook live classes and recorded videos)?
13.Are you aware of the YMCA’s work in providing emergency services (food distribution, emergency childcare for essential workers, blood drives, volunteer support) since the branch closed on March 16th?
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered