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In order to complete this quiz it is recommended that you watch Ven Sue Burns video available from with the accompanying powerpoint notes as well as Title D, Canon I. 
If you are a licenced lay minister, licenced clergy person, or you hold a PTO you must complete this quiz to retain your licence.
To pass the quiz you must achieve a score of at least 80%. Upon reaching that score you will be issued with a certificate. You may repeat the quiz as required.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact details

Question Title

* 2. Please select your office type.

Ministry relationships are grounded in a community of common concern, depend for their successful outcomes on a secure basis of integrity and trust and assume the development and practice of appropriate discipline and skills as well as proper standards in behaviour and practice. (Title D, Canon I, c 13)

Question Title

* 3. What grounds our ministry as Christians? 

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* 4. What two qualities ground ministry relationships? (Title D, Canon 1 clause 13)

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* 5. According to clause 13 of Canon I, safe practice of ministry relationships depends on which two things below? (tick two)

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* 6. What must a minister guard against? (Select one)

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* 7. What can a minister do to maintain safe practice?

Ministers of God's grace can themselves become vulnerable. Ministers must guard against the possibility of misunderstanding and over-dependence. Ministers must preserve appropriate inter-personal disciplines and boundaries, and they shall be aware of the power of the Minister’s position Ministers must avoid abuse of that power, and any manipulation of a person in the guise of giving counsel. It is a serious abuse of power to use a calling or a pastoral position to further a personal relationship of an emotional or sexual nature, and it is a breach of duty.
Title D, Canon I, c 18

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* 8. Which possible areas of abuse does clause 18 highlight? (Tick any that apply)

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* 9. What does clause 18 say will help prevent these abuses of power? (Tick any that apply)

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* 10. How does clause 18 describe abuses of power?

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* 11. What is power?

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* 12. Of the four power types, which would describe the power held by an Anglican office bearer?

Power is organic and operates in different contexts.

In a church context you have known, where is the power?

Answer the following three questions with reference to the swamp / lake metaphor for a church.

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* 13. What is the "surrounding landscape"?

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* 14. What do the rivers flowing into the lake/swamp represent?

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* 15. What gets caught in the 'bottom of the lake'?

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* 16. Ministry relationships are different to friendships. What makes them different? (Select one that applies)

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* 17. Does everyone have the same amount of power?

Men and women accepting the distinctive calling of ordained ministry and office bearers in this church must recognize they are not simply exercising a function or role. They also exercise a representative Ministry and are expected to lead an exemplary way of life.
Title D, Canon 1, c 1

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* 18. What three things will you remember about ministry and power?

The next set of questions concern the slides for part 2 of the webinar. 

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* 19. What are the effects of managing relational boundaries? (Tick two)

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* 20. When are people more likely to violate boundaries? (Tick any that apply)

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* 21. From the following list, identify  behaviour that reveals ministry boundary erosion. (Tick any that apply)

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* 22. What is one key strategy for managing ministry encounters?

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* 23. In Mark 5:25-34 we witness Jesus encounter someone in need. He engages and disengages: his life intersects with the woman's but does not eclipse it. Which of these statements might describe an unhelpful merger/boundary violation?

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* 24. True or False? As an office bearer I can exercise different kinds of power (intentionally and unintentionally). It is my responsibility to manage such power and relational boundaries. I am not just exercising a function or role, I am called to lead an exemplary life.

Question Title

* 25. If I am feeling uncomfortable about this material or my responsibility I should ...


In the previous quiz, it could have been deduced that a bishop or other office holder might intercept and/or vet complaints. That inference was not intended. All complaints go directly to the Registrar. Any office-bearer who receives a formal complaint must refer that complaint to the Registrar. The complaints process is designed to determine the validity of any complaint.
Contact the Registrar here:
Ministry Standards Registrar
c/- P O Box 87188,
Auckland 1742
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