Informed Consent

Title of the Project: Attachment, Meaning-Making, and Moral Injury Among U.S. Animal Care Workers
Principal Investigator: Jamie McNally, Ph.D., LPC

Invitation to be part of a research study

You are invited to participate in a research study. In order to participate, you must be 18 years old and must currently be, or have within the past 5 years, worked or volunteered in an animal care or animal protection and welfare related role or capacity. Taking part in this research project is voluntary. Please take time to read this entire form and ask questions before deciding whether to take part in this research project.

What is the study about and why is it being done?

The purpose of this study is to examine how various exposures, attachment styles, and meaning-making processes influence mental health outcomes, including moral injury, among animal care workers and volunteers with both direct and indirect animal loss, animal abuse, and trauma exposures.

What will happen if you take part in this study?

If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to do the following:
Complete an online survey consisting demographic information and questionnaires that relate to your personal experiences in animal care, your attachment style, how you have processed experiences encountered in your animal care work or volunteer activities, and your overall well-being. If you elect to continue to part 2 of the survey you will be asked additional questions related to your identity, values, and worldview. Each part of the survey will take approximately 12-15 minutes to complete (24-30 minutes total if you complete both portions of the survey).

How could you or others benefit from this study?

Participants should not expect any direct benefit from participating in this study. Benefits to society include the potential to learn more about the factors that contribute to negative mental health outcomes following work or volunteer experiences in animal care. This information can be used to improve future treatments that are available for animal care workers and volunteers suffering as a result of their experiences in animal care work. While there may be no direct benefit to you by participating in this study, we hope to contribute to the study of the mental health impact on those who care for animals, including outcomes related to trauma and moral injury

What risks might you experience from being in this study?

The risks involved in this study include possible or likely emotional discomfort due to recalling trauma exposures, direct or indirect experiences with animal abuse, animal neglect, human-inflicted trauma, and grief and loss, or other work and volunteer-related difficulties. The risks involved in this study are minimal, which means they are equal to the risks you would encounter in everyday life.

In the event that a participant is experiencing distress, they are encouraged to reach out for support. Resources that are available for support include:

  • Support for Caregivers of pets with behavioral problems:
  • Virtual Support and Peer Support for Zoo/Aquarium Workers:
  • Six-week support program (total of 8 people) for Veterinarians:
  • Support groups for grief & bereavement, behavioral euthanasia and more: Losing Lulu

Question Title

* 1. (Informed Consent Cont'd)
  • Peer Support for Veterinarians:
  • Crisis Text Line, Text 741741
  • Call 911
  • Visit local emergency room
How will personal information be protected?

The records of this study will be kept private. Research records will be stored securely, and only the research will have access to the records. Data collected from you may be shared for used in future research studies or with other researchers.

Participants responses will be anonymous. If data collected from you is shared, any information that could identify you, if applicable, will be removed before the data is shared. Data will be stored on a password-protected computer and may be used in future presentations.

How will you be compensated for being part of the study?

Participants will not be compensated for participating in this study. However, upon completion of each part (1 & 2) of the survey, participants will have the option to be entered to win one of ten $25 Amazon gift cards (ten gift cards will be awarded for part 1 and an additional ten will be awarded for part 2). There is no obligation to enter and any email addresses provided will be used only for the purpose of notification, should a participant be selected as a winner. Email addresses will be requested for compensation purpose, however, they will be pulled and separated from your responses to maintain your anonymity.

Is study participation voluntary?

Participation in this study is voluntary. Your decision whether to participate will not affect your current or future relations with the researcher or Fortifyu, LLC. If you decide to participate, you are free to not answer any questions or withdraw at any time prior to submitting the survey without affecting those relationships.

What should you do if you decide to withdraw from the study?

If you choose to withdraw from the study, please exit the survey and close your internet browser. Your responses will not be recorded or included in the study.

Whom do you contact if you have questions or concerns about the study?

The researcher conducting this study is Jamie McNally, Ph.D. You may ask questions you have now. If you have questions later, you are encouraged to contact her at

Whom do you contact if you have questions about your rights as a research participant?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study and would like to talk to someone other than the researcher, you are encouraged to contact the Institutional Review Board,

Your Consent

Before agreeing to be part of the research, please be sure that you understand what the study is about. If you have any questions about the study later, you can contact the researcher/study team using the information provided above.

I have read and understood the above information. I have asked questions and have received answers. I consent to participate in the study.