The Nippersink Public Library District (NPLD) is in the process of developing a strategic plan, aimed at providing the very best services to our community. A critical component of the process is gathering information and ideas from community members to establish priorities and create a focused direction for the Library.

The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by December 21, 2024. Thank you for your participation.

If you have any further thoughts or anything else you would like to share, Library Director Dana Fanslow welcomes additional comments at or 815-678-4014.

Question Title

* 1. What is your Zip Code?

Question Title

* 2. What is your age group?

Question Title

* 3. How often do you visit Nippersink Public Library District?

Question Title

* 4. Which library do you use most often?

Question Title

* 5. If you do not use the Nippersink Public Library District regularly, why not? (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 6. How would you like to learn about the programs and services at the Nippersink Public Library District? (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 7. What do you use the Nippersink Public Library District website for? (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the importance of the current Nippersink Public Library District services that are provided

  Very Important Somewhat Important Neutral Less Important Not Important Did not know it was available
Children’s Programs (0-12)
Teen Program (13-17)
Adult Programs (18+)
Services for individuals with visual, auditory, or physical impairments
Reference/ information help from librarians
Books, DVDs, CDs, Audio Books
Library of Things: Hotspots, Telescope, Board Games, STEAM Kits, Video Games, Fishing Poles, etc.
eBooks, Databases, and Other Online Resources
Museum Passes
Meeting rooms, event space
Notary Services
Computers, Wi-Fi, Printers

Question Title

* 9. How would you rate the Nippersink Public Library District’s Library Service?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't Know/NA
Children’s Programs (0-12)
Teen Program (13-17)
Adult Programs (18+)
Services for individuals with visual, auditory, or physical impairments
Books, DVDs, CDs, Audio Books
Library of Things: Hotspots, Telescope, Board Games, STEAM Kits, Video Games, Fishing Poles, etc.
eBooks, databases, and other online resources
Computers, Wi-Fi, printers
NPLD web presence (website, social media)

Question Title

* 10. How would you rate the Nippersink Public Library District’s Customer Service?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't Know/NA
I feel welcome when I visit NPLD
NPLD understands my needs
NPLD staff are extremely helpful
NPLD staff are extremely knowledgeable
NPLD staff assist me quickly and efficiently
I would recommend NPLD to a friend

Question Title

* 11. Please select up to 5 program topics that interest you the most.

Question Title

* 12. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about current and/or potential Library services?

Question Title

* 13. Would you like to be entered into a drawing to win a XXXX gift card for participating in the survey?

Question Title

* 14. If you answered yes, please provide your Name, phone number, and email address.