This five-minute survey was created by Leadership Cincinnati Class 47, in partnership with the Center for Research and Data at the Cincinnati Regional Chamber, in response to growing needs and attention around mental health and well-being at employers in Greater Cincinnati. Please know that individual responses will be confidential and that the aggregate results will be shared in Q4 2024. The data will help inform opportunities for improvement and support. Please feel free to reach out to Sabina Hordinski ( if you have any questions about the survey.

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* 1. In your opinion, how important is employee mental health to your organization?

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* 2. Has your organization conducted a survey that evaluates employee mental health in the last 12 months? Examples include engagement, satisfaction, or pulse surveys.

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* 3. Does your organization educate new employees about mental health benefits and other support during its orientation or onboarding process? Examples include sharing information about online mental health screening, crisis lifetime, warmlines, or virtual or local in-person support groups.

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* 4. Has your organization provided at least one in-person or online mental health training for managers or employees in the last 12 months? Training can address well-being or other related mental health topics.

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* 5. If yes, which of the following topics do the training(s) address? Please check all that apply.

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* 6. Does your organization regularly monitor, evaluate, or report the following anonymized data to ensure parity between its insurance plans' physical and mental health care services? Please check all that apply.

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* 7. Do your organization's health insurance plans cover various mental health and substance use services? Check all that apply.

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* 8. Does your organization offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), or a similar program, that provides mental health and substance use services?

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* 9. Does your organization have an FMLA (or equivalent policy) that allows employees to take unpaid leave for mental health or substance use condition recovery and guarantees their position upon return?

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* 10. Does your organization offer eligible employees the option to work remotely on a permanent or semi-permanent basis?

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* 11. Our company's culture is open and accepting, fostering an environment of trust where employees feel comfortable discussing their experiences with mental health conditions. Do you...

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* 12. Optional: Please share any thoughts or feedback regarding employee mental health and well-being in the workplace