I have developed a draft list of traits (from my own experience as a PhD Chemical Engineer from CalTech and from talking to other successful technical professionals) that draw people to a technical career and help make them successful in a technical career. I’m looking to test and refine this list of technical traits by getting input from many more technical professionals. I’ve provided this list in the format of this simple and short on-line survey with room for optional comments and input. If you provide your email in the survey, then I will email you the final list with a white paper on how these traits can be leveraged for leadership. Thanks for your interest and support!

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* 1. Which of the following best describes your technical profession?

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* 2. Do you identify as:

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* 3. To which email address would you like me to send the final list of technical traits and white paper on how to leverage these traits for leadership?

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* 4. Check which of the following traits you feel draw people to a technical career and helps make them successful in a technical career. Check as many as apply. Please use the "other" comment field for optional comments and to add traits you feel are missing from the list.