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* 1. Which campus(s) did your student(s) attend? (Select all that apply)

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* 2. What initially attracted you to Newman International Academy?

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* 3. Rate your experience at NIA on the following scale

  Yes Mostly Unsure Not Usually No
The school tries to bring out the best in each child
Discipline problems are competently handled
Relationships between teachers and parents are good
Lines of communication to the staff are clearly defined
The school takes parents' concerns seriously
Multi-cultural interaction is harmonious

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* 4. What aspects of the program satisfied or exceeded your expectations?
(Please be specific)

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* 5. What are your future education plans for your child?

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* 6. What changes would we need to accomplish in order for you to re-enroll your child/children in the school?

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* 7. Reasons why you and your family are leaving NIA?

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* 8. Do you want someone to call you to further discuss your answers?

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* 9. If yes; please list your name and contact number