Local Government COVID-19 Preparedness
Do you have a protocol to deal with COVID-19 or a similar public health issue?
Yes, but we are modifying the protocol
No, but we are developing one
If you are working with consultants, which areas are you seeking advice on? Check all that apply:
Planning and preparation
Communicating with the public
Controlling risk
Cleaning and disinfecting public areas
Training public safety officials and city/county hospitals on how to respond
Other (please specify)
How are you mitigating the potential harm to your community?
Check all that apply:
Limiting travel of our employees
Advising building managers on how to avoid the risk of spreading the virus
Publishing emergency phone numbers or websites to contact with questions
Advising businesses to offer working from home where possible
Other (please specify)
Overall, how prepared is your local government to deal with a potential healthcare crisis?
Very prepared
Somewhat prepared
Barely prepared
Not at all
How are you communicating with your community and countering misinformation about COVID-19?
Check all that apply:
Communicating with the local media regularly
Distributing posters to businesses in public places
Directing people to reputable sources for information in all communications to the public
Train 911 center workers on answers to common questions
Active use of social media
We are not prepared to combat misinformation
Other (please specify)
Which workplace policies are your public offices implementing in response to COVID-19? Check all that apply:
Allowing employees to work from home, if possible
Limiting public meeting
Cancelling public events
Limiting the size of work crews
Nothing, it's business as usual
Other (please specify)
Which of your departments are taking actions specifically related to COVID-19? Check all that apply:
Health Department
Police/Sheriff's Office
Executive and Command
Sanitation Office
Emergency Management
Office of Communications/Public Affairs
Other (please specify)
Current Progress,
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