(Feast) High Country Event Strategy - industry survey

1.Have you run events within your business? If yes, what benefits do you think being part of an event brought to your business?
2.Describe your current visitor/customer demographic and what you would like your future demographic to be?
3.As a business operator, what do you feel the Feast High Country Festival has brought to the region? What aspects of the event worked well?
4.As a business operator, do you see any negatives about the FHCF? Were there any aspects of the delivery, marketing, or the program that could have been done better?
5.What do you see as the biggest hurdles to getting visitors engaged in the region and the Festival?
6.With an unlimited budget and scope what would you like to see in a re-imagined festival? Think as big or small as you like!
7.Looking at competitor festivals and or tourist regions have you seen anything  being done particularly well?
8.What do you believe are the key reasons to visit the High Country? 
9.What makes the High Country unique?
10.How would you approach attracting a wider audience base ?
11.If you are happy for us to contact you to discuss your response, please enter your email address