Public Transport (Caribbean Park)

1.What is the postcode where you live?
2.1.     Into which age group do you fall?
3.What is your gender?
4.What is your occupation?
5.In which suburb do you work?
6.What is the name of the business you work for?
7. 1.    Approximately how many people does the business you work for employ?
8.Are you employed:
9.Does your work require you to work in:
10.On a typical day, which best describes your work hours?
11.How do you usually travel to work?
12.What is your main reason for choosing that mode?
13.Which of the following modes of travel would you consider using for your journey to/ from work, if they were available?
14.What time do you usually arrive in the office/ at work?
15.How far do you travel to work?
16.How long does it take you to get to work? 
17.Are there any factors or need which affect your choice of mode of transport for the journey to /from work?
18.Do you need a car for doing your job through the day?
19.Is this vehicle: 
20.Do you need your car for other pick-ups or drop offs (for example, the school run, crèche, etc.) on your commute?
21.Do you usually have a car-parking space available to you at your place of work?
22.Would you be encouraged to have an active commute (walking or cycling) if the following work was undertaken in your organisation? (options are Yes No Unsure)
Shower areas provided / increased / improved
Lockers Provided
Drying room for gear provided
Cycle parking increased
23.Are you interested in car-sharing (sometimes known as lift sharing or carpooling)?
24.Would any of the following encourage you to choose an alternative to the car on your commute?
25.Would you be willing to walk, cycle, take public transport or car-share for business travel, where suitable?
26.Is the area you live in served by a regular train or bus service?
27.If there is a bus, approximately how often does this service run?
28.How close do you live to your nearest railway station?
29.Does your nearest railway station have a direct line to your place of work?
30.If you currently drive to work, what are your main reasons for doing so?
31.Where do you normally park your car when you come to work?
32.Do you ever have difficulty finding a parking space?
33.On your journey to work do you ever get stuck in a level of traffic that you feel is unacceptable?
34.On your journey home from work do you ever get stuck in a level of traffic that you feel is unacceptable?
35.If you would consider using public transport, which of the following possible measures would give you enough motivation to try it?
36.If you would never consider using public transport, which of the following statements do you think most sum up the reasons for this?
37.Is there anything else you'd like us to know regarding this topic? 
38.If you'd like to enter the draw to win a Dan Murphy's Hamper for filling out this survey please provide us with your email.
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