Sunset Survey

This survey is administered by the Organic Trade Association to assess the necessity/essentiality of substances used in organic production and processing that are undergoing NOSB Sunset Review. The information collected will be passed along to NOSB via the Organic Trade Association’s comments. Please do not include any confidential business information. For more information please visit

This survey is for the substance CALCIUM SULFATE
Allowed for various uses in organic food processing such as: coagulate in tofu manufacturing (soft and silky tofu types), yeast food and dough conditioner, water conditioner, firming agent (in canned foods), jelling ingredient, and baking powder ingredient. Mined sources only. §205.605(a)

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* 1. Is your operation certified organic?

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* 2. Is calcium sulfate included in your organic system plan?

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* 3. Which types of organic products do you use calcium sulfate in/on? (e.g., yogurt, fruit juices, baked goods, etc.)

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* 4. What function does calcium sulfate provide in/on your organic products and why is it essential? (e.g., stabilizer, thickener, flavor, sanitizer, etc.)

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* 5. With what frequency does your operation use calcium sulfate? (e.g., seldom, as needed when a certain condition arises, routinely, etc.)

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* 6. NOSB collects information about the "ancillary substances" (e.g. carriers, preservatives, stabilizers) that may be used to formulate commercial forms of the substance. Please list any ancillary substances that are identified on the ingredient statement on the specification sheet that accompanies the substance you purchase.

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* 7. Have you tried using any other substances as an alternative to calcium sulfate? (e.g. other natural or organic substances)

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* 8. Are there any other management practices that would eliminate the need for calcium sulfate?

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* 9. How would your organic handling be impacted if calcium sulfate was no longer allowed? (describe the effects on product quality, economic effects, environment effects, or human health effects)

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* 10. On a scale from 1 to 5 stars, rate the overall necessity of calcium sulfate for your organic operation:

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* 11. You are strongly encouraged to submit your own comments by Sept 30th directly to the NOSB via

If you would like assistance or guidance in submitting comments to NOSB, please contact Gwendolyn Wyard at or provide your contact information below and OTA will contact you directly.