
About Us
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is an intergovernmental agency that facilitates co-operation among countries with advanced nuclear technology infrastructure to seek excellence in nuclear safety, technology, science, environment and law. The NEA operates within the framework of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The objective of the Agency is to assist its member countries in maintaining and further developing, through international co-operation, the scientific, technological and legal basis required for a safe, environmentally sound and economical use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. It provides authoritative assessments and forges common understandings on key issues as input to government decisions on nuclear energy policy and to broader OECD analysis in areas such as energy and the sustainable development of low-carbon economies.

The NEA Global Forum on Nuclear Education, Science, Technology and Policy is a framework for sustained co-operation and for enabling a long-term dialogue among academic institutions, policymakers and key stakeholders in the nuclear energy sector and civil society worldwide. Since 2021, the Global Forum on Nuclear Education has used creative problem-solving to help confront some of the most significant challenges in nuclear education and human capacity.

This survey is intended for anyone who is currently a student in the nuclear field, or has graduated in the last 20 years. The “nuclear field” is defined as nuclear science and engineering and related areas of science, technology, law, policy, and education.

The purpose of this survey is to understand how and why individuals decide to join the nuclear field and their experiences pursuing nuclear studies and careers. We will analyze the responses to this survey to develop guidelines for university departments on making the nuclear field more welcoming to students from all backgrounds.

Practical Information
The NEA is conducting this survey with the University of Michigan, which will analyse your responses. The responses to this survey are anonymous. Please do not include any information in your responses that may tend to identify you. In the event we were to obtain any personal data it would be protected consistent with the OECD Data Protection Rules. If you have further queries or complaints related to the processing of your personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer at

The survey is made up of a mix of multiple choice questions and free text responses. For the free text responses, please feel free to write as little or much as you like.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. It is open from now until 30 November 2024. For any general queries or issues, please contact