Welcome to the Food Service Needs Survey!

Please take 5 minutes to tell the Metropolitan State University Food Service Task Force about your needs regarding food services on the St. Paul campus. Once completed, you will be entered into a raffle to win a gift card to the Metro State Bookstore.

Students are eligible to win a $25 or $100 gift card. Employees are eligible to win a $5 gift card. Winners will be notified of their prize by 10/26/18.

Do you have additional feedback? Email: food.service@metrostate.edu.



The Food Service Task Force

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* 1. What is your relationship to Metropolitan State University? (Choose all that apply)

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* 2. How often do you visit the St. Paul campus in Dayton's Bluff?

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* 3. What is your level of interest to have food services available in the St. Paul Campus Student Center?

Not interested at all- Would not eat on campus. Very interested- Would eat on campus if there are options.
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 4. What kinds of food service options would be appealing to you if they were offered in the St. Paul Campus Student Center? (Choose all that apply).

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* 5. What price range would be appealing to you for purchasing a meal on campus?

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* 6. If there was a food service vendor in the St. Paul Campus Student Center that provided food/beverages that appealed to you, how often would you purchase meals?

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* 7. What hours would best fit your schedule to access food service on the St. Paul Campus? (Choose all that apply).

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* 8. What deters you from purchasing food on campus? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 9. If you were able to choose to go to the Student Center to purchase food or go to a To-Go or Mobile Cart, which would you choose?

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* 10. Please leave any additional feedback here.

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* 11. Would you be willing to participate in a focus group about food service and Metropolitan State University needs? If so, please submit your name and contact information in Question 12.

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* 12. Please include your contact information to be entered into a raffled to win a gift card to the Metropolitan State University Bookstore! Students are eligible to win a $25 or $100 gift card. Employees are eligible to win a $5 gift card. Winners will be notified of their prize by 11/6/18.