Civility Awareness Week Quiz Thanks for participating in Civility Awareness Week. Complete this quiz to test your knowledge! Question Title * 1. What is the definition of workplace civility Politeness and courtesy Strict adherence to rules and policies Silence and avoidance Ignoring colleagues Question Title * 2. Why is workplace civility important? It fosters a positive work environment and enhances productivity. It makes the workplace more relaxed and informal. It allows employees to express their opinions without restriction. It has no real impact on the workplace. Question Title * 3. Which of the following is NOT an example of uncivil behaviour at the workplace? Shouting at a colleague in a meeting Sharing constructive feedback during performance reviews Making offensive jokes about a coworker's appearance Consistently arriving late to meetings without prior notice Question Title * 4. What is the role of leadership in promoting workplace civility? Encouraging open conflict among team members Leading by example and addressing incivility promptly Avoiding addressing incivility to maintain a peaceful atmosphere Staying uninvolved in workplace interactions Question Title * 5. What is the "bystander effect" in the context of workplace civility The tendency of individuals to intervene and address incivility immediately. The belief that incivility is acceptable as long as it's not directed at them. The reluctance of individuals to speak up or intervene when they witness incivility. The idea that only leaders should address incivility issues. Question Title * 6. Which of the following strategies can help resolve workplace incivility effectively Confrontation and public shaming Ignoring the issue and hoping it will go away Open communication, conflict resolution, and establishing clear policies Blaming the victim for not being able to handle incivility Question Title * 7. What is the primary difference between workplace bullying and incivility? Workplace bullying is always physical, while incivility is verbal. Workplace bullying is less severe and damaging. Workplace incivility is more common but less harmful. Workplace bullying involves repetitive, harmful behaviour, while incivility is less severe and isolated. Question Title * 8. True or False: Workplace civility is only important in office settings, not in remote or virtual work environments. True False Question Title * 9. What is the potential impact of a lack of workplace civility on an organization Increased employee morale and engagement. Higher levels of trust and teamwork Decreased productivity, higher turnover, and damage to the company's reputation Improved creativity and innovation Done