Band Submission - Hamtramck Music Fest 2022 (Aug 11-14)

1.Performer/Band Name
3.Please list first and last names of the members of your band and the instruments they play (e.g., Allen Roberts -- Drums, Bob Smith -- Guitar, Carl Thomas – Cowbell)
4.Contact Name
5.Contact Phone
6.Contact E-Mail
7.Contact Address 1
8.Contact Address 2
9.Contact City
10.Contact State
11.Contact Country
12.Contact Zip Code
13.Short Bio
14.Please Provide A Link to Your Music (e.g., Bandcamp, Soundcloud, YouTube, etc.)
15.Please Provide A Link to Your Facebook Page, Web Site, Instagram, etc
16.Does your band share members with any other band who may be submitting to play at HMF? If so, please list all band members who may be potentially double scheduled and instrument they play.
17.Please inform us of any special requests, comments or needs
18.Please check the dates/times below that you are available to perform:
19.I would like to volunteer to help during HMF 2022 (and/or I know someone who would like to volunteer).  Please list the volunteer's name and e-mail address here:
20.ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY: Hamtramck Music Fest (HMF) has a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding harassment, discrimination of any kind, and matters of public safety. Patrons, volunteers, and community members should feel free to raise any concerns related to these guidelines and HMF is committed to respond in a respectful and timely manner. HMF reserves the right to remove anyone from the festival who does not adhere to these guidelines. By submitting this application all band members agree to these terms.
21.HMF HOLD HARMLESS: I hereby release and hold harmless Hamtramck Music Fest (HMF), its staff, organizers, volunteers, representatives and/or agents, and participating venues, from any and all liabilities or mishaps that may befall me, my artworks, instruments, or equipment during Hamtramck Music Fest.  All submission information, as well as photographs taken before, during, or after HMF may be used for promotional purposes by HMF.