Member Benefits

Question Title

* 1. Please rank the value of current member benefits to you or your organization. (please check one answer for each item)

  High value Medium Value Low Value No Value
Business Development (identify new customer opportunities or vendors)
National Conferences
Affiliation (ability to use PLMA logo in your marketing)
PLMA Linkedin Group Discussion Page
Board Membership

Question Title

* 2. Of the Member Benefits listed above, which in your opinion is the highest value?

Question Title

* 3. Of the Member Benefits listed above, which in your opinion is the SECOND highest value?

Question Title

* 4. Please rank the value to you or your organization to potential new member benefits. (please check one answer for each question)

  High value Medium Value Low Value No Value
Provide new training programs
Develop a Certification program to certify DR professionals
A DR Services Directory highlighting member capabilities on the PLMA web site
Provide expanded educational materials
Member breakfast meetings at related industry events (i.e. Distributech, ADS, etc.)
Discounts on publication subscriptions, trade show entry fees and other discounts
Expanded Webinar Series that would be free for members
PLMA sponsored (through member participation) research studies

Question Title

* 5. Of the potential Member Benefits listed above, which in your opinion is the highest value?

Question Title

* 6. Of the potential Member Benefits listed above, which in your opinion is the SECOND highest value?