Question Title

* 1. What types of recognition or appreciation activities do you find most meaningful or enjoyable?

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* 2. Is there a specific event or celebration that you would like to see organized for employee appreciation?
Ex. Wildthings Game, Pirates Game, Kennywood, Zoo, or Park Picnic, etc.

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* 3. In reference to Question 2 -
A.) Would you prefer the event to be on a weekday or weekend?

Question Title

* 4. In reference to Question 2 -
B.) Would you like the option of including family to these events? 

Question Title

* 5. Are there any specific rewards or incentives that you would find to be more motivating and rewarding?

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* 6. How would you say you prefer to receive recognitions and/or appreciation regarding your work?

Question Title

* 7. What suggestions do you have for improving our current employee recognition programs or initiatives?

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* 8. Lets talk about your career! Are there any particular skills or areas of expertise you would like to further develop through trainings or professional development opportunities?

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* 9. Would you like more opportunities for team-building activities or social events within the workplace? 
Ex. Holiday Parties, Cookouts at Jefferson, etc.

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* 10. Is there anything specific you would like to see implemented to promote work-life balance and well-being?

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* 11. How do you feel about “Recognize” our peer-to-peer recognition program?

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* 12. Do you have any other ideas or suggestions for employee appreciation that you would like to share?
(Please note: due to certain federal tax laws governing a non-profit, we are not able to give certain items, like gift cards, and any monetary amounts must be added as income and taxed)

Question Title

* 13. Name (OPTIONAL), Job Title, and Program?