Pupil Questionnaire 2024

Please rate the statements that follow.
1.I feel safe and happy at Moira Primary School and Nursery Unit.(Required.)
2.I have opportunities to give my opinions about school life and my opinions matter.(Required.)
3.I enjoy learning at Moira Primary School and Nursery Unit.(Required.)
4.Learning is fun and interesting, and I have opportunities to do different types of activities.(Required.)
5.Teachers help me if I am stuck.(Required.)
6.I am doing well at school and I am making good progress.(Required.)
7.I am praised and rewarded for my achievements.(Required.)
8.Children are well supported and well treated by teachers at Moira Primary School and Nursery Unit(Required.)
9.Teachers treat children fairly in Moira P.S. and Nursery Unit.(Required.)
10.Children behave well at Moira Primary School and Nursery Unit.(Required.)
11.I take part in and enjoy after-school clubs and activities.(Required.)
12.I enjoy school assemblies.(Required.)
13.Do you know what the school rules are?(Required.)
14.Does your teacher do new things and make your lessons interesting?(Required.)
15.Do you enjoy doing your school work?(Required.)
16.Does your teacher encourage you to work by yourself without asking for too much help?(Required.)
17.Are you encouraged to try new and different things in school?(Required.)
18.Does your teacher encourage you to do your best?(Required.)
19.Does your teacher tell you how well you are doing?(Required.)
20.Does your teacher expect you to improve your school work?(Required.)
21.In class, do you get help when you need it?(Required.)
22.Do you get regular homework that is not too easy and not too hard?(Required.)
23.Are adults at school fair to you?(Required.)
24.Do you get praise and/or rewards when you work well in school?(Required.)
25.Do you get praised more than told off at school?(Required.)
26.Do you know how you should work and behave in school?(Required.)
27.Do you learn well because people in your class behave well?(Required.)
28.Do you get on well with other children in the school?(Required.)
29.Is the school a clean, tidy, safe and interesting place to work?(Required.)
30.At school is there always an adult to talk to if you are worried about something?(Required.)
31.Are there lots of things to do at lunchtime and after school?(Required.)
32.Do you usually feel safe in school, including at break and lunchtimes?(Required.)
33.Are there plenty of opportunities for you to get regular exercise?(Required.)
34.Does the school teach you how to keep healthy?(Required.)
35.Do you think the school cares about you and about how well you do at school?(Required.)
36.Do you think this is a good school and are you proud to be here?(Required.)
37.Do you enjoy being at school most days?(Required.)
38.Would you like to say anything else?