The Saint Cloud Area Planning Organization (APO) is in charge of developing a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP is a federally mandated, annually prepared document that contains highway, transit, and other transportation projects for which federal funds are programmed during a four-year period within the metropolitan area.

APO staff is in the process of completing the fiscal years 2025-2028 TIP and is asking for your opinion on these proposed federally-funded projects.

Please note that sometimes a jurisdiction may be awarded federal funds for a specific future year – like 2028 for example – but the jurisdiction may choose to construct the project sooner – in 2025 for example – and then reimburse themselves with the federal funds when they receive them. This is known as Advanced Construction. This survey does not include projects that have already been constructed and are only waiting on federal reimbursement through the Advanced Construction process.

Thank you.

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Logo for WACOSA

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* 1. WACOSA has one project programmed to receive federal funding during the time period of fiscal years 2025 through 2028. Please tell us how important this project is to you and to regional transportation.

  Very Important. Important. Somewhat Important. A Little Important. Not Important. No Opinion.
WACOSA is proposing to purchase one replacement Class 400 bus during the calendar year 2025. The estimated project cost is $197,200 with $157,760 coming from federal funding and $39,440 coming from local funding sources.

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* 2. If there was sufficient funding for WACOSA to add one project to be considered for future federal transportation funding opportunities, what project would you add?

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* 3. In your opinion, please rank the transportation issues in order from 1 being the most important issue to 10 being the least important issue.

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* 4. Do you have any other thoughts or comments about the draft TIP that you would like us to know?

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* 5. If you would like to be kept informed about the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or other APO planning activities, please enter your email below. The APO DOES NOT sell or provide your personal information to anyone else, ever.

The following questions are OPTIONAL, but completing them will help us understand if we are reaching all segments of the population.

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* 6. What is your gender?

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* 7. In what city do you reside?

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* 8. What is your age?

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* 9. With what ethnicity do you most identify?

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* 10. How many people live in your household?

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* 11. What was your total household income last year?

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* 12. Do you have a physical disability?

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* 13. Where were you born?

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* 14. What is the primary language spoken in your home?