GENESYS is an initiative of Bioversity International in partnership with the Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the Global Crop Diversity Trust.

The primary motive for developing GENESYS was to facilitate access to and use of PGRFA through the delivery of associated information. The purpose of this survey is to identify how well this objective has been achieved and to also identify the interest and functionality that both plant breeders and other portal users would like to see incorporated as GENESYS continues to evolve.

Please assist us to make GENESYS more relevant for your work by taking the time to visit the GENESYS portal (click here) and familiarize yourself with its content and functionality before completing this short survey. There are some guidelines on how GENESYS works available from the Help tab on the right side of the home page.

Your participation in this survey is highly appreciated.

Question Title

* Please allow us to acknowledge your contribution by completing your full contact details below

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* 1. What is your experience with using GENESYS?

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* 2. Please indicate your primary interest in plant genetic resources:

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* 3. Could you please provide two examples of the type of query you would be likely to pose to GENESYS?

For example, ‘How many wheat accessions originating from Turkey are resistant to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus?’

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* 4. In your opinion, what is the most important feature missing from the GENESYS portal?

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* 5. In your opinion, what is the best feature?

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* 6.

a) Please select the features planned for the GENESYS portal in your order of priority for implementation.

  Lowest priority Medium priority Highest priority Not a Priority
Addition of non-genebank germplasm (such as breeding lines from large institutions, e.g. CGIAR centers)
Addition of functionality to include and analyze pedigrees
Provision of a sample ordering tool that fully complies with the International Treaty on PGRFA
Provide access to genetic data (molecular markers, QTLs etc.)
Provide more functionality to query and analyze the available information
Addition of non-CGIAR mandate crops/species (currently there are 22 mandate crops available)

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* 7. Please feel free to provide any further comments or suggestions in this space.

Your contribution is important, so thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Please feel free to share this survey with any colleagues whom you think may find GENESYS relevant.

Simply pass on the following link: