On behalf of Dream It Do It and The New York State Technology and Engineering Educators' Association (NYSTEEA), we invite you to volunteer in STEM WARS 2023.  STEM Wars will be held in the Physical Education Complex at the Jamestown Community College Jamestown Campus, Thursday March 16th (snow day March 17th) from 9:00 am -1:00 pm. To volunteer, please continue on to complete the survey!

Details of the event:

Students in Middle School to High School from regional school districts are invited to participate in this fun and educational event, which will feature STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) events, on-site competitions, a local business and manufacturing career fair, and on-site team building/leadership skills competitions. This event is produced by Dream It Do It Western New York (DIDIWNY) an initiative of the Manufacturers Association of the Southern Tier & the New York State Technology and Engineering Educators' Association (NYSTEEA) Chautauqua County Chapter. STEM Wars is hosted by Jamestown Community College (JCC).

Thank you for helping us at STEM Wars 2023!

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* 1. Volunteer Company Name

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* 2. Volunteer Contact Information

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* 3. I would like to help in the following ways?

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* 4. How did you hear about this event?

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* 5. Are there any questions you have in regards to the STEM Wars event?