Help us evaluate our training!

E-QIP's QIP Journey web series is a webinar series developed with the intent to support community mental health and addiction providers in completing a QIP template and "get ahead of the QIP curve."
Objectives for this webinar were;
• Know how to create a measurement plan
• Understand how to complete measurement operational definitions – numerator and dominator
• Know how to record measures on the QIP template
• Understand how to graphically display and interpret data
• Know the pitfalls around data collection and analysis
• Discuss keys to success
Please help us evaluate this event by answering the following questions. Your responses will help us understand your experience with this training and will help inform future E-QIP webinars so that we can ensure we continue to support and respond to current needs of the sector.
This survey is completely voluntary and you will not be identified unless you provide your email to be signed up for our newsletter. Your responses will remain confidential and kept in a secure location. If you have any questions about this survey, please email Ashley Koster ( 
Your participation is greatly appreciated!

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us about this training event:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The training increased my understanding of the session topic
This training clarified for me how to get started doing a quality improvement plan (QIP)
This training is relevant to my work
I plan to use this information in my work.

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement about the training:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I plan to share what I have learned at this event with others in my workplace or community.
I would be interested in attending a future E-QIP training based on my learning experience today
The objectives for this training were clear 

Question Title

* 3. Do you have any prior experience developing a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)?

Question Title

* 4. If you have QIP experience, what information would have been helpful to you at the outset of developing a QIP? 

Please join the E-QIP online Collaborative Community of Practice on HQO's Quorum platform if you have any additional questions or comments related to this webinar topic. 

Join E-QIP’s CoP: Become a member of E-QIP’s Community of Practice and start collaborating, learning and sharing with your peers.

Step 1. Visit the Quorum page and click on “sign up” in the top right corner.  
Step 2. Enter your information into the pop-up form and click “register”
Step 3. Click “Join Group” on E-QIP’s CoP page here:

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Thank you!