Thank you for your interest in marking the 16th anniversary of the opening of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on January 11, 2018 to say that torture, discrimination, and indefinite detention are wrong. There is no exception. Any attempt to bring back torture or to send new people to Guantánamo will be strongly opposed in the United States and throughout the world. We invite you to consider planning an event for January 11 or one of the weekends around it.

Guantanamo Bay is a symbol of our nation’s use of torture . Currently, 41 men are imprisoned at the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, including five who are cleared for transfer from the prison. Right now it costs an estimated $10.85 million dollars per detainee per year to maintain the prison.

If you have any problems with this form or any questions, please contact NRCAT's Campaign Organizer, Kristin Schol at or at 202-547-1920.

Question Title

* 1. Your Contact Information

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* 2. Please tell us which of the following activities you are considering (check all that apply):

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* 3. NRCAT is publishing a list of events on our website. These are primarily events that are open to the general public (rather than an adult study session within a congregation, e.g.).

Would you like for us to list your event on that page?

Question Title

* 4. Use this space to let us know if you have any questions or concerns or if you have specific requests for how NRCAT might support your local organizing.

Thank you for joining the Closing Guantanamo Campaign by finding ways to raise awareness in your community and to be visible and vocal in proclaiming that this symbol of torture must be closed.