New Healthy Workplace Requirement
As a result of the Australian Service Excellence Standards recent international accreditation we are updating our healthy workplace requirements and evidence guide in the Certificate level. Your feedback is vital to us improving. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Wellbeing SA for their advice and input. Please read the proposed Healthy Workplaces requirements and suggested evidence and answer the following questions.
This new requirement will sit in ASES Certificate level under the Work, Health and Safety Standard (4.2), where an additional series of requirements and evidence guide for Healthy Workplaces has been added.
The requirement states: The organisation demonstrates a commitment to providing a healthy workplace that protects and promotes staff health and wellbeing. Such as:
- Policies and procedures that cover both psychological and physical health and wellbeing.
- Promotion of Health and Wellbeing activities.
- Available and supportive physical environments for Health and Wellbeing activities.
- Evaluation on the performance and effectiveness of their Health and Wellbeing activities
The Evidence Guide states:
There is evidence that leadership are committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace.
Business plans / values statements refer to a commitment to providing a healthy workplace that protects and promotes worker health and wellbeing.
Evidence that workers are consulted about ways in which the organisation can work to protect and improve their health and wellbeing (eg. Surveys, establishment of health and wellbeing committee).
Workplace policies are in place to protect and promote worker health and wellbeing.
Evidence based promotion and programs that protect and promote worker’s health and wellbeing are offered (eg. Employee Assistance Program, physical activity challenges, guest speakers on health topics, etc).
A healthy workplace environment can be evidenced by the provision of, or access to.
• fresh drinking water
• Access to refrigeration, microwave, etc for healthy food preparation
• Stand up desks
• Outside eating areas / green space
• Showers and lockers (ie. End of trip facilities)
• Bike storage
• Well-lit stairwells
• Healthy food choices in meetings
The organisations advertise their health and wellbeing activities using accessible and inclusive modes of communication. For all staff and volunteers to access.
The organisation has provided a physical environment that helps and enables staff and volunteers aspirations for health and wellbeing.
Staff surveys that ask staff what they need.
Surveys that evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction of programs and evaluation.
Workplace audits.
Document Examples
• Smoke Free workplace Policy
• Flexible work arrangements policies
• Healthy catering policy
• Healthy workplace strategy/policy
Business plans / values statements refer to a commitment to providing a healthy workplace that protects and promotes worker health and wellbeing.
Evidence that workers are consulted about ways in which the organisation can work to protect and improve their health and wellbeing (eg. Surveys, establishment of health and wellbeing committee).
Workplace policies are in place to protect and promote worker health and wellbeing.
Evidence based promotion and programs that protect and promote worker’s health and wellbeing are offered (eg. Employee Assistance Program, physical activity challenges, guest speakers on health topics, etc).
A healthy workplace environment can be evidenced by the provision of, or access to.
• fresh drinking water
• Access to refrigeration, microwave, etc for healthy food preparation
• Stand up desks
• Outside eating areas / green space
• Showers and lockers (ie. End of trip facilities)
• Bike storage
• Well-lit stairwells
• Healthy food choices in meetings
The organisations advertise their health and wellbeing activities using accessible and inclusive modes of communication. For all staff and volunteers to access.
The organisation has provided a physical environment that helps and enables staff and volunteers aspirations for health and wellbeing.
Staff surveys that ask staff what they need.
Surveys that evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction of programs and evaluation.
Workplace audits.
Document Examples
• Smoke Free workplace Policy
• Flexible work arrangements policies
• Healthy catering policy
• Healthy workplace strategy/policy