Oregon Conference Presidential Search Membership Survey

Oregon Conference members and leaders are invited to participate in a 7-question Membership Survey as part of the presidential search process. Your thoughts and insights will help guide the nominating/executive committee in understanding the needs, priorities, and hopes of this community of faith. By contributing to this survey, you play an important role in shaping the future leadership of this conference and ensuring it aligns with a collective vision and mission.
1.What best describes your capacity for the church?
2.Do you currently reside within the territory of the Oregon Conference?
3.What qualities would you like to see in a new president?
4.What names of qualified leaders would you like to see considered?
5.List the strengths of the Oregon Conference that should continue.
6.List the areas that the Oregon Conference should strengthen.
7.Dream big: If money and other resources were not an issue, what would you love to see happen in the Oregon Conference?