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Chicago’s Departments of Planning & Development and Transportation are launching the LaSalle Street Visioning Study to revitalize this historic corridor in the Loop from a monoculture of offices to a dynamic, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-used environment. The study limits extend between Wacker Drive and Jackson Boulevard. Sharing your voice, your lived experience, and your ideas for LaSalle Street will help the City create a welcoming and inclusive street that enhances the quality of life for all Chicagoans and visitors.

Please take this five minute survey to share your thoughts.

For more information and to learn how to get involved, please visit:

Question Title

* 1. How often do you spend time on LaSalle Street?

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* 2. Do you work on or within walking distance of LaSalle Street?

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* 3. How do you get to LaSalle Street now? Please select up to three.

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* 4. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about LaSalle Street? Please rate from "Strongly Disagree.” to "Strongly Agree"

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I would like to work there
I enjoy spending time there
It is easy to get there
There are things to do there
I feel safe during the day
I feel safe at night

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* 5. What are LaSalle Street’s main assets? Please select up to three.

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* 6. What are the main challenges with the LaSalle Street experience today? Please select up to three.

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* 7. What are your transportation concerns along LaSalle Street? Use the arrows or drag each item individually to rank options with 1 being the greatest concern and 7 being the least concern.

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* 8. Are there specific locations along the corridor that are challenging?

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* 9. What physical improvements would improve LaSalle Street? Please select up to three.

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* 10. What activations would attract you to LaSalle Street? Please select up to three.

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* 11. Are there specific things or ideas that would attract you to visit LaSalle Street?

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* 12. What amenities do you feel are most important for a downtown mixed-use neighborhood? Please select up to three.

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* 13. In three words, describe your future vision for LaSalle Street

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* 14. What ZIP code do you live in?

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* 15. Age:

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* 16. Please provide any other comments regarding the LaSalle Street Visioning Study.

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* 17. Gender:

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* 18. Race/Ethnicity: (Select all that apply)