Needs Assessment: Stream Bank Repair for Professionals

1.Does your work involve managing properties that contain freshwater streams?
2.Have you experienced any issues related to the health and/or stability of stream banks where you work?
3.Do you feel equipped to manage stream issues that may arise?
4.Do you receive questions from clients, residents, or the public on sightly, failing, or eroding stream banks?
5.If you do receive questions on unsightly, failing or eroding stream banks, do you feel equipped with the proper knowledge and information to answer questions and concerns?
6.What are your preferred methods for receiving training information related to your profession? 
7.Would you be more likely to participate in a stream bank repair program if it resulted in a certification?
8.Which of the following aspects of a workshop would you be interested in? Select all that apply.
9.What is the maximum amount of time you would be willing to spend in a Stream Bank Repair workshop (including presentations and hands-on practice)?
Current Progress,
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