2025 Abstract Submission Form - Case Report

1.Abstract Title (please type in capital letters):
2.Primary Author (include name, academic degree, e.g. Jane A. Doe, MD):
3.Co-Authors (include name, academic degree, e.g. Jane A. Doe, MD):
4.Residency Program Name and City (if applicable):
5.Work Phone:
6.Work Email:
7.Presenter's name (person(s) who will make podium presentation or be present at poster during breaks):
8.Presenter (check one - select category based on when research was completed): 
9.Has this abstract been presented previously at a national meeting? 
10.Has this abstract been published or accepted for publication? 
11.Previously Presented/Work In Progress Abstract Category:
12.Have patient identifiers been removed? 
13.I attest that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge (enter your initials):
14.Type or paste your abstract in the following fields. A total of 300 words are allowed across all fields.