The ARM Champion Award Program is an ARM Institute program that recognizes our Members who have gone above and beyond the call of membership. Members can nominate a fellow Member or submit a self-nomination. The ARM Institute team also submits Champion nominations.

All ARM Champions will be recognized at our Annual Member Meeting taking place Sept. 23-25 in Pittsburgh, PA

The deadline for nominations for this round of Champion Award is June 28, 2024

Reach out to with any questions.
More About Our Criteria for Selection:

The ARM Member being nominated for the ARM Champion Award must have evidence of making an impact on the organization beyond typical ARM Member duties.

These contributions to the ARM Institute can include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Leadership in the success or transition of an ARM Institute Funded Project (not necessarily as a PI)
  • Involvement on an ARM Institute Council, Committee, or Working Group, 
  • Encouraging other organizations to join the ARM Membership
  • Presenting about the ARM Institute at conferences, tradeshows, or other events
  • Making other ARM Members feel welcomed to the consortium

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* 1. Champion's information: please complete the following information for the ARM Member you are nominating.

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* 2. Why should this person be considered for the ARM Champion Award? Add specific information about the Champion's contributions to the ARM Institute and the robotics/education/manufacturing industry at large

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* 3. This person has made significant contributions in the following general ARM Institute focus areas:

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* 4. Optional - Provide a quote from you that can be shared with the ARM Champion about why you nominated this person

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* 5. Submitter's Information: please submit your contact information here even if you are nominating yourself