2024 Library Summer Reading Challenge Survey

2024 Library Summer Reading Challenge Survey

1.At which Roseville Public Library location did you pick up your Summer Reading log?
2.Where did you pick up your free book prize?
3.On a scale of 1 (very hard) to 5 (super easy), please rate the ease of understanding the Summer Reading instructions. By 'ease', we mean everything was straightforward, and you had little to no questions about the program.
4.Did you attend any of our events? Please check all that apply.
5.Did you attend any of our programs? Please check all that apply.
6.What Summer Reading Challenge program or event would you like to see next year?
7.What was your favorite grand prize option?
8.Do you have any suggestions for prizes for next year's Summer Reading Challenge? 
9.Can you share feedback on your experience with the Summer Reading Challenge?