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* 1. Your privacy is important! Your responses to the following questions are anonymous. If you finish the survey, you'll get to a chart on the origins, development & reach of rap music & hip-hop culture. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at Thanks!


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* 2. Which age range below includes you?

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* 3. Do you have children?

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* 4. Do you work with youth and / or young adults in your ministry and / or in your profession?

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* 5. What is the denominational affiliation, location (name of city or town), approximate size and median age of your church congregation?

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* 6. Do you hold a leadership position in your church?

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* 7. Have you ever attended a workshop, seminar, conference or class on rap music and / or hip-hop culture? If not, would you be interested in initiating or attending such an event?

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* 8. How would you rate your understanding of rap music and / or hip-hop culture?

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* 9. How would you describe your own stance towards rap music and / or hip-hop culture?

If you've attended a workshop, seminar, conference or class on rap music or hip hop culture, what was your stance BEFORE it and AFTERWARDS? Can you describe the change process (if there was one)?

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* 10. Last question: How would you describe your church's stance towards rap music and / or hip-hop culture? Why do you think it takes that stance? What (if anything) could you do to help bring about any change that might be needed in how your church views such things?