SIHD Patient Satisfaction Survey
Southern Inyo Healthcare District thanks you for taking the time to fill out this quick survey. This survey applies to both the hospital as well as our clinic. If you have a specific concern for either the hospital or the clinic, please let us know by selecting 'other.'
Listening to customers has always been important to us. Your feedback will help us better serve our community!
Please select where you were seen, which of our services you used and/or where you visited [select all that apply]:
Rehabilitation (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy)
Rural Health Clinic
Emergency Room
Skilled Nursing Facility
Regenerative Medicine Program
Infusion Therapy
MAT Program for Opioid Dependency (Suboxone)
SIHD Mobile Clinic
Acute Care
Wound Care
Were you satisfied with the cleanliness and appearance of our facility?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not so satisfied
Not satisfied at all
Other (please specify)
How would you rate the overall care you received from your provider.
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not so satisfied
Not satisfied at all
Other (please specify)
How well does our services meet your needs?
Extremely well
Very well
Somewhat well
Not so well
Not at all well
Other (please specify)
Overall, how satisfied are you with Southern Inyo Healthcare District?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not so satisfied
Not satisfied at all
How likely are you to recommend our facility to a friend or family member?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
Please provide any additional questions, comments, or concerns below: