Tell us about your Better Block experience!

Your feedback will help us identify projects that could be made permanent in Bethel, and ways to improve other community events and future Better Block projects. Thanks for your time!

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* 1. How did you hear about Better Block? Check all that apply.

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* 2. Demographics

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* 3. Did you attend the Better Block? Check all days that you attended.

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* 4. At Better Block, did you... ? (check all that apply)

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* 5. Did you help out with the Better Block? Choose all that apply.

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* 6. Do you think Better Block improved downtown Bethel (during the event itself)? Rate how you think the project impacted downtown.

  Much better Somewhat better No opinion / mixed impacts Somewhat worse Much worse
Bike/pedestrian safety
Business offerings
Sense of community
Beauty / aesthetics
Good town for kids, families and senior citizens
Bethel's public image
Support for businesses
Activities and vibrancy

Question Title

* 7. Better Block was a way to experiment with things that could become permanent in Bethel. Would you like to see these activities or changes permanently?

  Loved it! Make it permanent in Bethel Liked it... Consider doing more It was ok... Needs changes or more thought Didn't like it... Don't make permanent  Hated it... no more!
Activities (hikes, demos, kids' events)
Crosswalk improvements & pedestrian islands
New food establishments
Public art
Pop-up shops
Bike/multi-purpose lane
Transit stop
Beer garden & outdoor seating
Live music venue

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* 8. If you could recommend one permanent change for downtown Bethel, what would it be?

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* 9. Would you like to stay involved and help create longer-term improvements in downtown Bethel? Select all that interest you.

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* 10. How can we reach you? (We will not share your personal info. If you enter contact info here, we will add you to the Bethel Revitalization Initiative email list and contact you if you expressed interest in helping above.)