Tai Chi/Qigong/Meditation Class Survey Question Title * 1. Do you know anything about the following? Please check all that apply. Tai Chi Qigong Meditation Question Title * 2. If so, what is your experience with it? Question Title * 3. What types of lessons would you most be interested in? Please check all that apply. Tai Chi for Arthritis Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention Tai Chi for Heart Conditions Tai Chi for Diabetes Tai Chi for Osteoporosis Qigong Meditation Question Title * 4. Which days of the week would you be available for lessons? Please check all that apply. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Question Title * 5. Which times of day would you be available? Please check all that apply. Mid to late morning Early afternoon Late afternoon Early evening Late evening Question Title * 6. What do you hope to accomplish by taking classes? Stress reduction Improved balance Improved strength and flexibility Improved health Decreased pain Improved immune systen Increased energy Lower blood pressure Help with diabetes Increased relaxation Improve focus and mental clarity Other, please enter below Question Title * 7. Which types of lessons would you be interested in? Virtual (Zoom) In-person Either Zoom or in-person Question Title * 8. Name Question Title * 9. Email address Question Title * 10. Cell phone Done