UDI Forum Overall Evaluation Question Title * 1. Please enter your information. Name Company Email Address Question Title * 2. How many years of supply chain experience do you have? 0-5 years 5-10 years 10-20 years 20+ years N/A Question Title * 3. Please rate your agreement with the following statements. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral/unsure Agree Strongly Agree Overall, I am satisfied with the UDI Forum. Overall, I am satisfied with the UDI Forum. Strongly Disagree Overall, I am satisfied with the UDI Forum. Disagree Overall, I am satisfied with the UDI Forum. Neutral/unsure Overall, I am satisfied with the UDI Forum. Agree Overall, I am satisfied with the UDI Forum. Strongly Agree The UDI Forum met my learning expectations. The UDI Forum met my learning expectations. Strongly Disagree The UDI Forum met my learning expectations. Disagree The UDI Forum met my learning expectations. Neutral/unsure The UDI Forum met my learning expectations. Agree The UDI Forum met my learning expectations. Strongly Agree Question Title * 4. Rate your satisfaction with each of these elements of the UDI Forum. Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied N/A or Did not attend Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Learning Sessions Learning Sessions Very Dissatisfied Learning Sessions Dissatisfied Learning Sessions N/A or Did not attend Learning Sessions Somewhat Satisfied Learning Sessions Very Satisfied UDI Forum Website UDI Forum Website Very Dissatisfied UDI Forum Website Dissatisfied UDI Forum Website N/A or Did not attend UDI Forum Website Somewhat Satisfied UDI Forum Website Very Satisfied Registration Process Registration Process Very Dissatisfied Registration Process Dissatisfied Registration Process N/A or Did not attend Registration Process Somewhat Satisfied Registration Process Very Satisfied Question Title * 5. What health care supply chain education would you like AHRMM to offer at future events? Please be specific. Question Title * 6. What modalities of education are you interested in seeing more of from AHRMM? Conferences E-Learning Webinars Webcasts / Podcasts White Papers Instructor-Led Courses (virtual or in-person) Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Would you recommend this event to a colleague? Yes No Question Title * 8. Why would you recommend our event? Question Title * 9. Why would you NOT recommend our event? Question Title * 10. How can we improve your experience? Please be specific. Question Title * 11. Any additional comments? Question Title * 12. What is your organization's zip code? Next