Exit The Next Evolution in Memorials- What do you think? Helping you Honor and Remember- share your thoughts Question Title * 1. When remembering a loved one, which of the following feels most meaningful to you? (Select all that apply.) Seeing their photos or videos Listening to their voice Reading their stories or letters Visiting a special place connected to them Interacting with a digital tribute in some way Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. If a feature allowed you to interact with a digital representation of your loved one, how would you feel about it? I love the idea and would definitely use it. I’m open to it but have some concerns. I wouldn’t use it—I prefer more traditional ways to remember. Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. If you selected "I have some concerns," what are they? (Select all that apply.) Privacy and security of personal data Emotional impact—it might feel too difficult or unnatural The cost of creating a digital representation I just prefer traditional memories like photos and videos Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. If you could choose a way to bring memories to life, which would you prefer? A simple tribute with photos, videos, and audio A guided storytelling feature where AI helps organize memories An AI chatbot trained on my loved one’s words and stories A fully interactive 3D hologram representation Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. If a 3D holographic tribute existed, how would you prefer it to behave? (Choose one.) A simple, lifelike representation that plays pre-recorded messages An interactive version that responds but only with pre-set answers (no AI-generated responses) that can hold a conversation based on their past words, stories, and personality None—I would not use this feature Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Would you be open to creating a holographic tribute of a loved one before they pass, so they can leave messages for future generations? Yes, I think it’s a beautiful idea Maybe, but I’d need to understand more No, that feels uncomfortable to me Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How do you feel about AI generating responses on behalf of a loved one? I love the idea—it would feel like they are still here in some way I’m open to it, but I’d want control over what it can say I’d prefer only real, pre-recorded messages—no AI-generated responses I would not use this feature at all Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Would you prefer a holographic tribute to be more structured or interactive? Structured: A guided experience where I can watch and listen to pre-recorded memories Interactive: The ability to ask questions and receive AI-generated responses based on their past messages and personality Neither, I wouldn’t use a holographic tribute Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. How likely would you be to try a holographic memorial feature if it were part of an app you already used? Very likely—I’m excited about the idea Somewhat likely—I’d try it, but I have some reservations Unlikely—I don’t think I’d use this type of feature Definitely not—I would avoid an app that included this Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. If this feature were added, how important would it be for you to have control over its settings? Extremely important—I want full control over what it says and how it interacts Somewhat important—I’d like some pre-set options, but I don’t need full control Not important—I’d trust the system to handle it for me Other (please specify) Done