Helping you Honor and Remember- share your thoughts

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* 1. When remembering a loved one, which of the following feels most meaningful to you? (Select all that apply.)

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* 2. If a feature allowed you to interact with a digital representation of your loved one, how would you feel about it?

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* 3. If you selected "I have some concerns," what are they? (Select all that apply.)

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* 4. If you could choose a way to bring memories to life, which would you prefer?

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* 5. If a 3D holographic tribute existed, how would you prefer it to behave? (Choose one.)

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* 6. Would you be open to creating a holographic tribute of a loved one before they pass, so they can leave messages for future generations?

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* 7. How do you feel about AI generating responses on behalf of a loved one?

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* 8. Would you prefer a holographic tribute to be more structured or interactive?

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* 9. How likely would you be to try a holographic memorial feature if it were part of an app you already used?

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* 10. If this feature were added, how important would it be for you to have control over its settings?