Potential Risks and Discomforts
There may be more than minimal risks or discomfort in participating in this study. All information will be obtained anonymously through an encrypted website and data will be stored on a password protected document in the care of the primary investigator, although there is risk to potential loss of confidentiality. It is possible that you may experience some discomfort when responding to the presented questions. If needed, you can contact the investigator or the supervisor of the study and identify yourself as a participant with the contact information presented above. By doing so, you will be waiving your right of confidentiality to the researchers; however, this information will continue to be confidential and will not be shared. Although you may not be directly compensated, your completion of the survey will help to inform the field of psychology with empirical knowledge regarding the association between self-compassion and stress, specifically for caregivers of children with ASD.
Potential Benefits
Following completion of the study, you will be provided with an opportunity to enter into a drawing for a chance to win a $100.00 gift card, please click on the presented weblink where you will be directed to enter your preferred contact information. Winners will be notified following the complete collection of data. By providing an email address, you will identify yourself as a participant of the study; however, your responses to the questionnaires will remain unknown. Your email address will not be able to be linked with your responses to the questionnaires.
You are welcome to copy this letter for your records. If you have any questions regarding the research or wish to receive results following the data collection, contact the researchers provided above.
Thank you for your help,
Gillian Pollpeter, M.S.
Doctoral Candidate
Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology