2024 Needs Assessment
Please indicate your age group.
18 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 to 64
65 to 74
75 to 84
85 to 94
95 or over
Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Asian / Pacific Islander
Black or African American
White / Caucasian
Multiple ethnicity / Other (please specify)
Are you of Spanish, Hispanic or Latino origin or descent?
Do not wish to answer
Which of these library services would you or your household use in the next year? (check all that apply)
Ability to participate in artistic and creative learning groups
Connection to Martha’s Vineyard art / culture
Music appreciation programs
Access to early childhood educational resources
College Admission / FAFSA Assistance
Parenting skill building
Civic engagement opportunities
Connection to Oak Bluffs / Martha’s Vineyard history
Environmental activism opportunities
Emergency disaster planning
Creating community & a sense of belonging
Group Discussion opportunities (coffee corners, current events, etc.)
Group exercise opportunities (walking, dancing, etc.)
Access to health care information
Budget / Investment / Financial Planning
Connection to housing assistance
Connection to tax assistance
Elderly living information (Aging in Place / Long Term Care Options)
Entrepreneurial skill building
Will / Trust / Estate Planning
Information Literacy workshops (identifying fake AI images, news, propaganda, etc.)
Job Skills Training
Leadership training
Life Enrichment skill building (cooking, writing, crafting, etc.)Leadership Training
Mental Health Resources / substance abuse resources
Retirement Planning
Skill building for sustainable standard of living on Martha’s Vineyard
Small Business Skill Building
Access to individual work / study spaces
Digitization equipment (VHS /cassette tapes to digital files, e.g.)
Public Computers
Free 24/7 Wi-Fi
Fax Machine
Wi-Fi Hotspots (for home / travel use)
Meeting Room Event with AV Equipment (e.g., microphones, projector, etc.)
Hybrid Meeting Equipment (e.g., laptop, microphones, cameras, etc.)
Laptops / Chromebooks (for home / travel use)
Technology support / help on my device or public computer
List other services, if not listed above:
What else would you like us to know? Please email us at oakb_mail@clamsnet.org with your ideas. Any Oak Bluffs resident who emails us with their thoughts about the future of the library will be entered to win a gift card to an Oak Bluffs business!
Great! I'm emailing you now!
Sounds good - I'll email you later.
No thanks - I have no other thoughts.
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered