COVID-19 "Urgency of Now" Survey

COVID-19 Survey

The researchers at our Institute are conducting this survey to learn how Township residents are being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and to better understand the safety and wellness information and resources you need to keep you and your family informed, empowered and safe.  The survey results will also support our newly-created COVID-19 Safety and Wellness Township webpage.  The page will include updated COVID-19 public safety information from such reliable science-based organizations as the Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and Illinois, Chicago, and Cook County public health agencies.

Your feedback from the survey will help us provide you the most relevant information you need from these and other public health organizations to contain and defeat COVID-19. 

The results of the survey will also be shared with you at (, Facebook (F), and Instagram (@lcrwi).  

Please remember to press "Record my Responses" when you are finished.

Many thanks for supporting this very important public health initiative!
Be Safe. Be Well.
1.How many people currently live in your household?(Required.)
2.Which city/village do you live in Thornton Township?(Required.)
3.What is your age?(Required.)
4.How many young people live in your household (18 and under)?(Required.)
5.Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?
6.Do you feel well-informed about the prevention of COVID-19?
7.Have you lost any friends or family due to COVID 19?
8.Since COVID 19, what has been your greatest challenge? Please check all that apply.
9.How has COVID-19 affected your financial stability? 
Not at all
10.Please indicate which of the following situations you have experienced. (Mark all that apply)
11.What would you say are the top three places you go to seek out information on supporting your children during this time (Mark your top three)?

12.I find the amount of resources being shared online to be helpful.
strongly agree
strongly disagree
13.How are You spending the majority of your Me time during the pandemic?
14.How are you spending time with your family?
15.What good deeds have you done during the COVID-19 virus? Mark all that apply
16.What are some of the challenges you are having with your children during COVID-19?
17.Are you concerned that your child is going to be far behind academically after the COVID-19 virus ends?
18.What information would you feel would be more beneficial to you and your family during these times? Mark all that apply.
19.With schools being closed and now summer is upon us access to the internet has become a necessity. Which best describe your household's access to the internet?
20.We would love to hear your feedback on this survey. What other questions should we add?