Application closing date is 31st October 2024
Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 31 Hydref 2024

Question Title

* 1. Your Name / Eich enw

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* 2. Email address / Cyfeiriad e-bost

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* 3. Membership Number / Rhif aelodaeth

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* 4. What is your Date of Birth? / Beth yw eich dyddiad geni?

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* 5. What is your Unit Name? / Beth yw enw eich uned?

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* 6. Guiding County / Sir Guiding

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* 7. Are you a Welsh Speaker? / Ydych chi'n siarad Cymraeg ?

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* 8. Please tell us why you should be selected for the Youth Parliament?
Dywedwch wrthym pam y dylech gael eich dewis ar gyfer y Senedd Ieuenctid?

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* 9. What do you think are the top three issues that impact young people in Wales the most?
Yn eich barn chi, beth yw’r tri phrif fater sy’n effeithio fwyaf ar bobl ifanc yng Nghymru?

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* 10. What would you be interested in developing for young people in Wales?
Beth fyddai gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn datblygu ar gyfer pobl ifanc yng Nghymru?

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* 11. How will you encourage young people to register to vote for the Youth Parliament?
Sut y byddwch yn annog pobl ifanc i gofrestru i bleidleisio dros y Senedd Ieuenctid?

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* 12. Are you currently involved with any of the following?
Ydych chi'n ymwneud ag unrhyw un o'r canlynol ar hyn o bryd?

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* 13. How would you like to be supported in this role if you are selected?
Sut hoffech chi gael eich cefnogi yn y rôl hon os cewch eich dewis?