Please answer the following questions

Question Title

* 1. Have you ever (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 2. How frequently do you (check one):

  Never Annually Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily
Update your accrual records?
Reconcile your inventories?
Prepare cash (tax) basis financial statements?
Prepare accrual basis financial statements?
Prepare market value financial statements?
Calculate total unrecognized gain/deferred income?
Calculate valuation equity?
Calculate deferred/estimated tax?
Monitor against your budget?
Adjust projected costs and margins?
Share cost and profit center reports with your farm responsibility center managers?
Use your management accounting analysis for marketing decisions?
Use your management accounting analysis for strategic decisions?

Question Title

* 3. At what's the lowest level that you perform these functions?

  Across all business entities By business entity By commodity By production year By production stage By location By group or project By support activity
Allocating costs
Financial statements
Consolidated reporting

Question Title

* 4. At what's the highest level that you perform these functions?

  Across all business entities By business entity By commodity By production year By production stage By location By group or project By support activity
Allocating costs
Financial statements
Consolidated reporting

Question Title

* 6. Please share your name and company and email address to receive a free copy of the 2021 Farm Financial Standards Management Accounting Guidelines.