StageSource and the UP Initiative of the Massachusetts Cultural Council invite you to join this working group that asks; Who Takes Stage?
Whatever passion drives a person to become an Artist, this passion can be nurtured through school, after-school, community and professional groups. To develop the skills of the Theater Artist; whether onstage or backstage; whether as a professional, a student, or a dabbler; whether performing, designing, or writing; are we acting on the promise of the Arts to embrace our variety and intentionally anticipate and reasonably accommodate across physical, communication, and/or social differences? The Accessible Performance Pipeline is a convening for Theater Artists with Disabilities to share their experiences and develop Action Steps to be presented at the StageSource Theater Conference on Saturday June 17.
Please join us on Monday May 22 at the Wheelock Family Theatre near Fenway in Boston (directions and parking information will be provided in a follow up email)
5:30-6:30. Food. Social Networking.
6:30-8:00. Roundtable Conversation: Developing the Accessible Performance Pipeline
8:00-8:30. Action Plan.